A5 Magazine will be presented this weekend at the second Artport Art Book Fair! Check the event for more details. See you there!
“The fair will feature over thirty new artist’s books published in the last year, alongside over one hundred other books. In the shadow of the reports of the imminent “death of print”, all across the world – artist’s books are thriving. In recent years, art books fairs are held in London, Berlin, Paris, Los Angeles, New York (in which Artport took part), to name a few. In addition to artist’s books, the fair will also feature select Israeli and international art magazines including A5 Magazine. Recognizing the importance of the magazine medium and wishing to encourage writing about art, the fair will present different art magazine formats”.
Organizers and curators: Vardit Gross and Karmit Galili. The fair is free and open to the public. All proceeds from book sales go directly to the participating artists. Payment in cash and checks only. Special events, including talks, sessions, and activities for the entire family, will be held during the fair.
Opening hours: Opening: Thursday, 28.1.2016 – 6-11pm / Friday, 29.1.2016 – 10am-4pm / Saturday, 30.1.2016 – 10am-6pm 55 Ben Tsvi Rd., Tel Aviv / Waze address: artport
